Founded in February 2014, Ra-Ruul Squad is a Portuguese Squad of the European division of Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club, a costuming organization dedicated to celebrating the Star Wars Universe through the creation, display and wearing of quality character costumes that represent the Mandalorian characters and culture from the Star Wars Universe promoting the interest in Star Wars and facilitates the use of this costumes for SW related events as well as contributing to the local community trough costumed charity and volunteer work.
The core ideology of the Mandalorian Mercs is that our costumes are as unique and individual as the members who create and don the armor. This is an inclusive organization, placing a great deal of emphasis on camaraderie and the exchanging of collective costuming knowledge via the online community.
The first members who founded Ra-ruul Squad are:
Darkus Gal,Beron Orray and Vlad Talgal.
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