sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2014

Mandalorian Encyclopedia:Mandalorian Skull

Mandalorian Skull  
The symbol of Mandalorians is a Mythosaurs skull.
Mythosaurs were a species of animal native to the Outer Rim world of Mandalore. Enormous in size, the mythosaurs dominated their world until the arrival of the Mandalorian Taung, led by the warrior known as Mandalore the First. In a campaign to conquer the world for their own, Mandalore the First and his crusaders slaughtered the gigantic beasts and drove them to extinction. The skull of the mythosaur became the symbol of the Mand'alor—the traditional ruler of all the Mandalorian clans—the planet Mandalore, and of the Mandalorians themselves for generations after.
Though extinct, the mythosaur lived on as a legendary figure in Mandalorian mythology. The skull of the mythosaur became a symbol of Mandalore and its people, none more so than the Mand'alor—the traditional ruler of the Mandalorian clans. Mandalorians referred to the ceremonial crown possessed by the ruling Mand'alor as the kyr'bes, or mythosaur skull. The Mandalorian starship company known as Mandal Motors used the skull of the mythosaur as the corporation's logo.It was also not uncommon for the symbol of a mythosaur skull to be used as a sigil decorating Mandalorian armor and equipment, or even as a tattoo. The calcified bones of the mythosaur were used to construct Mythosaur axes, a ceremonial but deadly weapon used by the Mandalorian Crusaders.
In the final weeks of the Galactic Republic and the early days of its replacement, the Galactic Empire, an enterprising Mandalorian sought to attract adventure tourists to Mandalore to raise a profit. To accomplish his goal, he constructed a large replica of a giant mythosaur skeleton—although its accuracy to scale was debated—on the outskirts of Mandalore's capital city, Keldabe. The Mandalorian's theme park never opened, however, though he, his brother Hayar, and friend Jarkyc, were able to sell the defunct tourist sight to the Imperial garrison that had come to establish a base on Mandalore.The so-called "City of Bone" remained on Mandalore for nearly twenty years, becoming the headquarters of the Imperial slaver, the Suprema, during the Imperial occupation of Mandalore, before being destroyed by Fenn Shysa's Mandalorian Protectors.

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