sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2015

O fim do Ra-ruul Squad

Comunicado oficial do Ra-ruul Squad:

Vimos por este meio informar os nossos leitores,amigos e membros dos MMCC de que devido a algumas queixas e divergências criadas pelo líder da 501 Lusitanian Outpost ao nosso líder de esquadrão e por também sentirmos que não tivemos o apoio adequado por parte dos responsáveis dos MMCC,anúnciamos desde já a nossa desvinculação ao MMCC. 

Lamentamos tal situação pois nunca foi nossa intenção desistir deste honroso grupo internacional, mas por não reunirmos as condições ideais para tal e numa ação de solidariedade para com o nosso líder de esquadrão, todos os membros concordaram com esta decisão, mantendo assim as relações cordiais entre os MMCC e a Legião 501. Concordamos que têm de existir certas normas e procedimentos a ser respeitados neste tipo de clubes, mas também achamos que para tal, todos os seus membros devem ter o respetivo apoio e dedicação por parte dos seus líderes. Não temos nada contra a Lusitanian Outpost,antes pelo contrário, mas quando há alguém que sendo líder da mesma não respeita os princípios de igualdade,coerência,amizade e respeito para com os outros grupos, baseando-se em regras e normas das quais os nossos membros nunca infringiram, alguma coisa está mal. Não é desta forma que alguém se deve destacar neste tipo de hobby.Sim,porque para nós isto é um passatempo do qual nos envolvemos com “sangue suor e lágrimas “mas com a consciência de que há coisas mais importantes na vida como a amizade. Agradecemos a todos aqueles que nos têm apoiado até agora, desejando a todos eles, aos MMCC e à Legião 501 as maiores felicidades. Continuaremos a estar envolvidos nesta temática mas apenas como fãs, havendo a possibilidade de futuramente criarmos um grupo de fãs não-oficial de costuming.



In English:

We hereby inform our readers, friends and members of the MMCC that due to some complaints and differences created by the leader of  501 Lusitanian Outpost to our squadron leader and also feel we haven't had adequate support from the leaders of the MMCC, We announce  our unbinding from the MMCC. We regret such a situation because it was never our intention to walk away from this Honorable international group, but we do not meet the ideal conditions to do so and an action of solidarity with our squadron leader, all members agreed with this decision, thus maintaining the cordial relations between the MMCC and the 501 st Legion. We agree that must be certain norms and procedures to be respected in such clubs, but we also found that in order to achieve this, all its members must have the respective support and dedication on the part of its leaders. We have nothing against Lusitanian Outpost, on the contrary, but when there is someone being leader of the same fails to respect the principles of equality, friendship and respect, for consistency with the other groups, based on rules and norms of which our members never infringed, something is wrong. This is not the way anyone should highlight in this type of hobby. Yes, because for us this is a hobby which we engage with "blood sweat and tears" but with the awareness that there are more important things in life like friendship. We thank all those who have supported us so far, wishing them all, the MMCC and the Legion 501 every success. We will continue to be involved in this topic but just as fans, having the possibility of creating a future group of unofficial fans of costuming.


segunda-feira, 5 de maio de 2014

Raruul Squad on the Oeiras Brincka/2014 event

Our Squad was invited to participated with SWCP on Oeiras Brincka/2014 at Porto Salvo/Lisbon for the Star Wars fan day commemoration (4 th May).All images can be viewed at this link:

quarta-feira, 30 de abril de 2014

Samurai Fett

Samurai Fett,a custom made Star Wars action figure by Emmanuel Pérez Del Río.

sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2014

Honorary members:Anna Graves

Our newest honorary member: Anna Graves, who played the characters: Sugi the Bounty Hunter,Duchess Satine,Rumi and Senator Meena Tills,on the animated series Star Wars:Clone Wars.

domingo, 9 de março de 2014

Raruul Squad was invited to participate on SWCP´s 7 th anniversary celebration

Raruul Squad was invited by SWCP-Star Wars Clube Portugal to participate on his 7 th anniversary in Barreiro/Portugal.In this celebration,we provided several merchandising related to Mandalorian´s universe such as action figure,ships,posters,graphic information,autographs,etc.Our members also appeared at this event with their MM costumes.

terça-feira, 4 de março de 2014

Honorary members: Corey Burton

Our newest honorary member: 
Corey Burton is an American voice actor, perhaps best known as the current voice of Captain Hook for numerous Disney projects, Brainiac in the DC animated universe, several central characters (Count Dooku, Cad Bane and Ziro the Hutt) for numerous Star Wars projects, and Spike Witwicky and Shockwave in the Transformers universe. He has worked on numerous cartoon series for major networks such as Cartoon Network and has worked extensively with The Walt Disney Company and Disney theme parks.

sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2014

Honorary Members: Scott McLean

 The Australian Scott McLean is a stuntman actor who participated in several movies and TV series such as: The Pacific, Ghost Rider, Matrix, among others. He was the Jango Fett´s stuntman in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.